
Supercharge Klaviyo with WISMOlabs events & personalized data

Streamline your Klaviyo marketing and transactional emails and messages, saving costs and reducing unsubscriptions.

Improved optimization, message separation, and a superior experience.

WISMOlabs and Klaviyo integration for eCommerce retailers brings improved transactional email management, cost savings, and reduced unsubscriptions. Unlock the potential of your eCommerce business now.

Klaviyo with WISMOlabs

Marketing Emails and flow triggers

Transactional Emails


Separation of Marketing & Transactional Lists

Shipment Event-Based Flows



Reduced Unsubscriptions

Cost Savings

Maximize Cost Efficiency

With WISMOlabs and Klaviyo integration, eCommerce retailers can effectively separate their marketing and transactional messages. This not only keeps your messaging organized but also saves costs. By sending transactional messages either directly from your eCommerce platform or through WISMOlabs, you avoid sending all emails through Klaviyo and potentially reduce your subscription tier.

Minimize Unwanted Unsubscriptions

Unsubscriptions can negatively impact your eCommerce business by reducing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. WISMOlabs and Klaviyo integration help minimize undesirable unsubschelpriptions by separating marketing and transactional messages. This ensures that your customers receive only the relevant emails they expect, keeping them engaged and reducing the likelihood of opting out.

Empower Your Marketing Strategy

WISMOlabs-generated events are sent directly to Klaviyo, allowing you to create flows around and after specific shipment events. This enhances your marketing strategy by providing valuable information and insights that you can use to tailor your campaigns. By harnessing the power of WISMOlabs and Klaviyo together, you can deliver the right message at the right time, resulting in a more personalized and impactful customer experience.

Maximize Klaviyo Revenue, Cultivate Loyalty:

Elevate Your Bottom Line with an Unforgettable Post-Purchase Experience!

Our numbers talk

75-95% WISMO Call Reduction

Incremental ROI from Repeat Sales.

Extra Touch Points.

Talk to a real human

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Capterra 5 stars best rating amongst post-purchase platforms

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