A Guide to Selecting the Right Shipment Tracking Software for Different Types of Businesses

Guide to choosing the right shipment tracking software

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In today’s competitive market, choosing the best shipment tracking software is crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction and post purchase experience, and optimizing logistics. Whether you’re a small eCommerce startup or a large retail giant, the right software can help reduce WISMO (Where Is My Order) calls, increase revenue, and build brand loyalty. This guide will walk you through selecting the ideal shipment tracking software tailored to your business needs, helping you boost efficiency and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

Business SizeDetermine if the software can scale with your business.
FeaturesIdentify essential features like real-time tracking, branded tracking pages, and automated notifications.
IntegrationEnsure compatibility with your existing systems and platforms.
Customer SupportAssess the quality and availability of customer support services.
CostCompare pricing plans to find one that fits your budget without compromising on essential features.

Understanding Your Business Needs

Small Businesses

For small businesses, affordability and ease of use are key. Look for software that offers essential features such as branded tracking pages, real-time tracking and automated notifications without overwhelming complexity. Small businesses often operate with limited resources and may not have dedicated IT departments, so intuitive interfaces and easy setup are essential.

Medium-Sized Businesses

Medium-sized businesses need scalable solutions that can handle increased order volumes. Features like personalization in messages and branded tracking pages with segmentations and marketing abilities coupled with customer analytics become more important as you grow. These businesses often have a more complex supply chain and a larger customer base, necessitating robust tracking and reporting features.

Large Enterprises

Large enterprises require robust systems with advanced features like carrier performance audits, API integrations, and extensive customization options to manage high volumes and complex logistics networks. Integration capabilities with existing enterprise systems, such as ERP and CRM software, are crucial for maintaining seamless operations. Additionally, large enterprises often ship globally, requiring support for multiple carriers and comprehensive analytics to monitor performance across different regions and carriers.

Essential Features of Shipment Tracking Software

Integration Capabilities

Effective shipment tracking software should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, such as eCommerce platforms, warehouse management systems (WMS), and customer relationship management (CRM) tools. This integration ensures that all data flows smoothly across your operations, reducing manual work and errors, and streamline their logistics operations.

Carrier Integrations

Support for multiple shipment carrier partners is essential for effective shipment tracking. Your chosen software should be able to track shipments across your entire partner network. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on multiple carriers to fulfill orders.

3PL Considerations

If you use third-party logistics (3PL) providers, ensure that your shipment tracking software can track shipments even if you do not have direct relationships with the carriers. Some tracking software may not be able to track such shipments unless you have a direct contract with the carrier. WISMOlabs can track shipments across all carriers utilizing its own relationships with carriers, eliminating the need for you to obtain API credentials from the carrier.

Seamless Consumer Experience

A seamless consumer experience is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction. This includes providing real-time updates on shipment status, easy access to tracking information, and clear communication about any delays or issues. Right shipment tracking software enhances the post-purchase experience by offering real-time tracking updates and proactive notifications, ensuring that customers are always informed about the status of their orders.

Enhance Customer Experience with Branded Tracking Pages - what is branded tracking page

Branded Tracking Pages

A branded tracking page enhances customer experience by providing a consistent brand experience post-purchase. It also offers opportunities for upselling and cross-selling during the tracking process. Some shipment tracking solution offers basic customizable tracking pages that reflect your brand’s identity, while others allow complete customizations helping to increase customer engagement and loyalty.

Optimize Customer Engagement with Real-Time Order and Shipping Tracking Notifications

Automated Customer Notifications

Automated notifications via email or SMS keep customers updated on their order status, reducing the need for manual updates and improving overall customer satisfaction. These notifications can inform customers about shipment status changes, expected delivery dates, and any delays or issues. This proactive communication helps manage customer expectations and reduces the volume of WISMO calls.

Enhancing E-Commerce Campaigns with Personalized Marketing Automation

Ability to Personalize and Market

Personalized marketing messages on tracking pages can drive repeat orders and enhance customer engagement. By displaying relevant products and promotions, you can turn a simple tracking page into a powerful marketing tool. WISMOlabs allows you to customize tracking pages with personalized marketing messages, helping to boost sales and customer retention.

Explore WISMOlabs Dashboard: Enhancing E-Commerce Post-Purchase Experience and Carrier Performance Analytics

Reporting and Analytics

In today’s competitive market, data-driven decision-making is crucial for optimizing logistics and enhancing customer satisfaction. Shipment tracking software with robust analytics capabilities can provide valuable insights into various aspects of your supply chain. By analyzing fulfillment performance, carrier reliability, customer behavior, and marketing engagement, businesses can identify areas for improvement, streamline operations, and tailor their strategies to meet customer needs more effectively. WISMOlabs offers comprehensive analytics tools that empower businesses to make informed decisions, ultimately driving efficiency and growth.

Fulfillment Performance Analytics

Tracking and analyzing fulfillment performance is essential for identifying areas for improvement in your logistics operations. Key metrics include order processing times, shipment accuracy, and delivery times. By monitoring these metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your fulfillment processes and improve customer satisfaction.

Carrier Analytics

Analyzing carrier performance helps you understand which carriers are most reliable and cost-effective. Key metrics include on-time delivery rates, transit times, and the frequency of lost or damaged shipments. WISMOlabs provides detailed carrier performance reports, allowing you to make informed decisions about which carriers to use.

Customer Behavior Analytics

Understanding customer behavior is crucial for tailoring your marketing and customer service strategies. Key metrics include tracking page visits, customer engagement with marketing messages, and feedback on the delivery experience. These insights can help you improve the overall customer experience and increase loyalty.

Marketing Engagement Analytics

Tracking marketing engagement on your tracking pages or in shipment related notification helps you understand which messages resonate with your customers. Key metrics include click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated from upsell and cross-sell promotions. WISMOlabs offers powerful marketing analytics tools that allow you to optimize your marketing strategies based on real-time data.

Top Shipment Tracking Software Options

narvar vs aftership vs wismolabs


WISMOlabs offers a comprehensive post-purchase experience platform designed to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Key features include real-time shipment tracking, branded tracking pages, and automated notifications and wide list of supported carriers and LTL. WISMOlabs also provides robust integration options with various eCommerce platforms and carriers. Its advanced analytics tools help businesses understand customer behavior, track carrier performance, and optimize marketing strategies.

Other Notable Mentions


Straightforward solution with essential tracking and notifications with basic analytics available. Known for its extensive carrier support and customizable tracking pages, AfterShip is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, but may lack customization capabilities beyond basic branding changes.


Narvar offers advanced features for enterprise-level businesses, including concierge services. It supports a wide range of carriers and provides templates with personalized tracking pages to enhance the customer experience and is great for businesses not prioritizing costs where the budget is not a constraint.

Choosing the Right Plan

Selecting the right plan involves understanding your business needs and budget. WISMOlabs offers several pricing plans tailored to different business sizes:

  • Free Plan: Suitable for startups and small businesses with up to 500 shipments per month with major carriers. This plan includes basic features such as real-time tracking and automated notifications.
  • Standard+ Plan: Ideal for growing businesses with up to 48,000 shipments per year. This plan offers additional features like detailed reporting and analytics, carrier performance audits, and limited white-glove service.
  • Enterprise Plan: Customizable for large enterprises with extensive shipment needs and advanced feature requirements. This plan includes all features from the Standard+ plan, as well as eCommerce returns automation, real-time shipment visibility, and professional services.


Selecting the right shipment tracking software involves understanding your business needs, evaluating essential features, and choosing a plan that offers the best value. By implementing a robust tracking system like WISMOlabs, you can improve customer satisfaction, reduce WISMO calls, and drive repeat business.

For more detailed information on how WISMOlabs can help transform your post-purchase experience, visit their shipment tracking software overview.

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