What is a Delivery Exception and How to Handle Them

What is a Delivery Exception and How to Handle Them

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As successful ecommerce retailers, we make sure our customers have the best experience on our site. We craft our brand carefully to provide memorable experiences and keep customers delighted so they return again and again. Brand perception is everything and negative experiences can result in loss of customers and revenue.

But what happens after the purchase? Delivery exceptions are a major source of frustration for ecommerce shoppers and can significantly affect brand experience even though you had nothing to do with it. You can’t avoid delivery exceptions, but you can make sure that when they happen, you keep your customer happy.

What does delivery exception mean?

According to FedEx a delivery exception means a package is temporarily delayed while in transit due to unavoidable circumstances. The reason could be inclement weather, a natural disaster, a vehicle issue like a flat tire, or other conditions. While it doesn’t mean that the shipment is permanently delayed, it is not going to arrive at the time your customer expected it.

On-time delivery rates for the major carriers range from 91.2% to 97.1% according to ShipMatrix. And while 91% on a test will get you an A, having almost 1 out of 10 packages not arriving as scheduled can get you bad reviews. This is why we often order early during the Holidays or make sure to place our Mother’s Day gift in plenty of time.

It may be a cost of doing business, but delivery exceptions can create a negative perception of your brand. Studies have found that consumers blame the retailer for poor delivery, while holding the delivery provider less responsible. It may not seem fair, but the shopper’s journey is your responsibility until the customer is fully satisfied. Even though you may not have control of the entire shipping process, you can still make sure you earn the customers’ trust in your brand by handling a delivery exception correctly.

How Do I Handle a Delivery Exception?

By handling delivery exceptions in a customer centric way, you can prevent negative reviews and strengthen the relationship with your customers. A customer cares that you have their best interests in mind. Even though you can’t prevent every delivery exception, acting proactively and communicating with your shoppers during the post-purchase experience can increase trust and customer loyalty. Here is how you can properly handle delivery exceptions when they happen:

Notify Customers of Delivery Exceptions Before They Find Out Themselves

The most important thing during a delivery exception is to keep your customer informed. When a customer is checking their front door for the package they expected or is hounding your customer service center with WISMO calls, it is too late to tell them their order has been delayed. Get ahead of the game by being proactive and communicating with them as soon as you know something.

Offer your customer a refund or a replacement if the shipment is lost or canceled. Doing so before a customer calls customer service provides a feeling of goodwill and trust. If a customer had to call you to ask for their money back, the financial result would be the same, but the trust would not.

Communicate All Updates via Email Delivery Notifications

In addition to automated notifications that update the customer when the order is shipped, on its way, or being delivered, make sure you also have email alerts set up when there are delivery exceptions. Prepare emails to send out if: 

  • The delivery date changes
  • There is a notice form the shipping carrier
  • There is any change in the status of the order
  • A customer changes a delivery address or date

Yes, even if the customer makes the change, send out a confirmation email letting them know that you received it. It is another point of contact that shows you are paying attention.

Follow Up Urgent Notices with SMS Delivery Notifications

Sometimes emails are not enough when it comes to delivery exceptions, sending a text with an update shows a sense of urgency that reflects good customer service. Emails can get lost, letting the customer know that there is a status update via SMS will give the customer another opportunity to trust your brand.

By keeping the customer informed of any delivery exceptions during their shopper’s journey, you can prevent negative reviews, reduce WISMO calls, and maintain a good relationship with your customer. WISMOlabs’ post-purchase experience platform makes it easy to stay in touch with the customer and update them on delivery exceptions.  Contact us to learn we can elevate your eCommerce store.

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