Optimize the Customer Journey with Last Mile Tracking Integration

Optimize the Customer Journey with Last Mile Tracking Integration

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While every step of the customer journey is important, the last mile is the most crucial and, often, the one we most remember. Getting your customer’s order right only to have it ruined by a delivery exception or a missed notification can hurt your brand image and cost you financially. Make a lasting impression by delivering on customer expectations down to the very end. Last mile tracking can make the difference between winning and losing customers. Ensure that you are in control of the entire customer journey from beginning to end.

What is Last Mile Tracking?

Last Mile Tracking is the term used to describe the monitoring of the last part of the order fulfillment process. The very last step in the delivery, whether that is a local courier or the US Post Office, needs to be tracked to ensure it is done successfully and on time. Knowing where the package is during the last mile allows the retailer to let the customer know when to expect delivery and gives the customer the peace of mind that their order will soon be in their possession. Last mile tracking is important to both the ecommerce retailer and the customer, although for very different reasons.

Benefit of Last Mile Tracking for Merchants

Unless you deliver them yourself, you depend on a third party to fulfill your orders. If something goes wrong during the delivery, most customers will blame the merchant instead of the delivery company. Knowing where the order is at any given time by tracking it allows your customer service to staff to respond to WISMO (Where is My Order) calls with confidence and to proactively inform customers of any potential delays. Without this communication, customers can become frustrated and anxious about getting their order. You may not be able to avoid every delay but tracking orders and informing the customer about any issues before they have a chance to worry can show them that you care about their business, encouraging them to order from you again.

Benefits of Last Mile Tracking for Customers

We live in a world where everyone has instant access to information at their fingertips. From traffic updates to available parking spaces to the name and picture of our rideshare driver, we have come to expect updates to our daily activities as a matter of fact. It is no longer good enough for the customer to know that their order has been shipped. They expect to know where their package is physically and when they can expect it at their door. Last mile tracking gives customers a sense of control and lets them plan their activities around the delivery, whether it is a gift they intend to give or whether they need an important item for their project. Giving customers that peace of mind by allowing them to track their order is a must-have for customer-oriented businesses.

How Can I Give My Customers an Optimized Last Mile Tracking Experience?

You can optimize the last mile of your deliveries with a customizable tracking page from WISMOlabs. The page includes the ability to send SMS updates and provide a real-time tracking map that keeps customers in the know about their delivery status. The WISMOlabs post-purchase experience platform easily integrates with the top ecommerce platforms and works with all major shipping carriers.

Contact WISMOlabs today to learn how you can provide your customers with the best last mile tracking options available in the industry.


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